Map Properties Dialog Box


Specify the mapping between properties in the file that is being imported and properties in the project. Only available for Maestro and SD files.

Opening the Map Properties Dialog Box

To open the Map Properties dialog box, you can:

The opening of this dialog box is dependent on the file type: for Maestro, there is an option in the Import dialog box ; for SD files there is a preference in the Preferences panel.

Using the Map Properties Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to change the mapping between properties in a file that is being imported and the properties in the project. This allows you to (for example) change the type of the property from integer to real, and to map one activity property to another.

You can save property mappings in a file, and load them again, which allows you to use different mappings in different situations.

Map Properties Dialog Box Features

Mapping table

Specify the mapping between the property name in the input file (From column) and the property name in the project (To column). To change the project property to which a property in the file is mapped, you can select the row for the file property, and either choose a property with the Properties tools, or edit the table cell in the To column.

If you want to choose the properties to import, you can use the Import column to make your selection. When you deselect a property, the value in the To column is hidden, and the property selection tools are not available when the row for the property is selected.

Properties tools

Choose a property to replace the property in the To column of the selected row in the Mapping table. The list shows the properties that are in the current project. You can use the standard property selection tools to organize the list.

Save button

Save the current mapping of properties to a file (.propmap), so the mapping can be loaded and reused.

Load button

Load a property mapping from a file (.propmap) that was previously saved.

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File: project_facility/map_properties.html
Last updated: 25 Sep 2013